27 may 2007

PRIMER PARTE. Gangs of New York

El cuerto estaba oscuro y fue el escenario para descubrir una mínima historia de los gringos. Nueva York, 1846. La historia de sombras que todo país posee. Esta era una donde las batallas entre pandillas pre-norteamericanas se originó; las luchas por gobernar un territorio. Un relato construido por grupos inmigrantes: The Natives, The Red Rabits, entre otros. Los gringos poseen una historia, una cultura.

El escenario: The Five Points (Los Cinco Puntos), distrito conocido así por la interjección de cinco calles o problamente solamente dos calles.

"Just back of the City Hall, towards the East River, and within full sight of Broadway, is the terrible and wretched district known as the Five Points. You may stand in the open space at the intersection of Park and Worth streets, the true Five Points, in the midst of a wide sea of sin and suffering, and gaze right into Broadway with its marble palaces of trade, its busy, well-dressed throng, and its roar and bustle so indicative of wealth and prosperity. It is almost within pistol shot, but what a wide gulf lies between the two thoroughfares, a gulf that the wretched, shabby, dirty creatures who go slouching by you may never cross", Lights and shadows of New York, James D. McCabe.